{"id":2496,"date":"2020-03-25T23:28:31","date_gmt":"2020-03-26T05:28:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/modernfimily.com\/?p=2496"},"modified":"2020-12-09T23:40:10","modified_gmt":"2020-12-10T06:40:10","slug":"the-positives-that-can-come-from-coronavirus","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/modernfimily.com\/the-positives-that-can-come-from-coronavirus\/","title":{"rendered":"The Positives That Can Come From Coronavirus"},"content":{"rendered":"

We are all in a bit of panic mode these past few weeks with many places shutting down, Alberta schools and day cares are closed for the year, Alberta declared a state of emergency, playgrounds are closed, Canada is no longer allowing non-Canadians into the country, and most people are doing their part of self-isolating – all for good reason.<\/p>\n

Those who are privileged to work from home are being forced to do so and those who aren\u2019t able to work remotely are sadly being laid off or their jobs and income are being put on hiatus for awhile.\u00a0 Canada has issued the Canada Emergency Response Benefit along with a handful of other action items to help Canadian facing hardships as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Small businesses are suffering. Many likely will not be able to handle multiple weeks\/months of no business. People are freaking out about toilet paper. The stock market is now in a bear market and has taken a 28% nose dive as of this writing from its mid-February high. We are likely heading into a recession (by definition, we are not in a recession yet as it must be 2 consecutive quarters of economic decline). The world seems to be unraveling with every passing day. It\u2019s feels a bit like we are all in the Hunger Games waiting for President Snow to come on with his daily announcement to Panem.<\/p>\n

There clearly are good reasons why people are panicking and full of fear and anxiety. But the truth is, we don’t know what’s to come next.\u00a0 This could last multiple months, hell even years, and have the whole world spiral into a complete 180 from where we were 2 months ago.\u00a0 All we can control at this point are our own actions.\u00a0 We can band together as a global society, all do our much needed role of self isolation, and next thing you know were on the mend and working our way back to “normalcy”.\u00a0 We don’t know when things will shift back and that’s the scary part about all of this.<\/p>\n

If I were ruler of the world, I would tell every single citizen that you have 4 days to collect everything you need and then we are having a world wide lockdown for 30 days.\u00a0 That isolation might actually kill this damn COVID-19.\u00a0 But alas, I am no such ruler and likely coronavirus is going to be on the front pages for longer than a 30 day timeframe.\u00a0 Oh wait, New Zealand’s prime minister did just that<\/a>.\u00a0 Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time before all countries being somewhat impacted by COVID-19 enact similar measures to what New Zealand just did.<\/p>\n

Either way, it will take the economy quite some time to dig out of this hole. We are seeing tons of government bailouts which likely will mean increased taxes down the road.\u00a0 We are seeing interest rates being cut to near zero to try to keep the economy going.\u00a0 It’s definitely an interesting time.<\/p>\n

While I am not trying to make light of the current events taking place around the globe, I wanted to try to bring a bit of positivity to the table.<\/p>\n

First off, the recovery rate of those who get COVID-19 should not go unnoticed.\u00a0 Yes, many people are dying (which also cannot go unnoticed) and we must do our part to self isolate to help the healthcare field from being inundated with more patients than they can handle.\u00a0 But the amount of people who are able to recover is a great positive to start off with.<\/p>\n

Before moving on, <\/span>I wanted to give a big thank you to all of the first responders, doctors, nurses, and hospital staff (janitorial staff, cafeteria staff, <\/span>administrators, etc.) working to stop the spread of this pandemic, the selfless <\/span>hero’s keeping the grocery stores & pharmacies functioning from the front end staff to the truckers and farmers and all those involved with the supply chain, the entrepreneurs trying to ramp up production of medical gear and supplies, <\/span>and the researchers working on a vaccine and cure<\/span>. And let’s not forget the utility workers keeping our lights on, post office employees delivering our mail, military personnel, bank staff, delivery folks, the list goes on and on. The next time you run into these folks (not literally, at a distance of course), show them your gratitude.<\/p>\n

Positive Side Effects That May Come Thanks To This Pandemic<\/h2>\n